
pycivitai is currently hosted on PyPI. It required python >= 3.7.

You can simply install pycivitai from PyPI with the following command:

pip install pycivitai

You can also install with the newest version through GitHub:

pip install -U git+

After installation, run this python code, and version information of pycivitai should be shown.

1from pycivitai.config.meta import __TITLE__, __VERSION__, __AUTHOR__, __DESCRIPTION__
3if __name__ == '__main__':
4    print(__TITLE__, __VERSION__)
5    print(__DESCRIPTION__)
6    print('Powered by', __AUTHOR__)
1pycivitai 0.2.0
2Python Client and Model Management for CivitAI.
3Powered by narugo1992

pycivitai is still under development, you can also check out the documents in stable version through